Friday, March 23, 2012

Mint Brownies

I am turning over a new leaf as I learn more about God and the gifts I have.  I am learning about the Gift of Hospitality through Karen Ehman's Book and Bible Study.  For my recipe I am posting

 Mint Brownies.

Baked Brownies. (I use Betty Crocker's Triple Chunk or you can make them from scratch)

Mix 4 Tbl of butter (softened) with 2 cups Powdered Sugar and 1 1/2 tsp of Mint extract.
Spread on top of Brownies. Refrigerate and let the icing set up.

Melt 2 Tbl of butter with 2 squares of Sweetened Bakers Chocolate.
Drizzle on top of Mint Icing.  Tilt pan to the the Chocolate Glaze covers
